Online Gatherings

Live a Luminous life!

The Alchemy of Beauty

It’s time to celebrate our healing, honour our roots and rekindle our magic! Join us on this journey of luminous transformation as we awaken the ancient woman living in this modern world. This woman carries exactly what she needs to emanate beauty from her heart, her hands and from the aura that embraces her. Every woman’s roots connects her to the eternal knowledge of the earth and cosmos and to the collective wisdom of her ancestors. This woman is timeless, beautifully untamed and profoundly powerful…

and we are going to set her free.

Let’s join together to share and express our collective wisdom in a safe, inclusive and healing space. We invite you to arrive as teacher, as student, as wounded, as healed…to come as you feel you are called to share your story and how you want to practice ritual and witness your transformation.



The four pillars of transformation:

THE ALCHEMY OF BEAUTY IS… a practice in ritual.

Modern rituals that bring awareness and connection and long buried rituals that were once practiced and honoured in circles. By practicing both, we can free our intuition to guide ourselves and others in witnessing and living a luminous life. By inviting ritual into our lives, we bring strong connection and through strong connection we witness transformation. 


We will be learning from the ways of Ancient Wisdom Schools to rediscover the magic and transformation of true spiritual alchemy, letting go of what has consumed us to become a vessel for more beautiful things.  The process involves letting go, separating and putting it all back together in a way that serves us and others on our spiritual path. We will explore the wolrd of the Esoteric – ancient symbology, archetypes, polarities and elements that guided many for centuries on their transformation from physical to spiritual.


The cosmos have always been trusted to guide us with answers and intuitive power. Through the practice of ancient and modern ritual, we can connect and  flow with the Lunar rhythms experiencing magic and the power of Moon Wisdom. We will travel among the stars and in the light of the moon to find where and why we have misplaced our trust in our intuition, our disconnect from our bodies and the belief in our own power. When we look up , we also  are looking inwards to reconnect with this lunar power.

spirit care

By putting our feet and hands back onto the earth we will rediscover its power and potential; our power and potential (something we should be using, not giving away). Since we are all spiritual beings having a human experience, it is incredibly  important to make sure that our soul is nourished and cared for in this lifetime. We can do this by connecting to the wild – the meeting place of this earth and our spirit. The wild is a portal to rediscovering – a place to neutralize, heal, connect and find nourishment for our body and spirit. 

Edible Wellness

We believe that food is medicine. It has the power to transform our health, mood and skin all with the right balance of food. It is becoming increasingly important as stressed women to address our modern nutrition habits and start taking control of the food we ingest. We will focus in on diet rituals and real food that recharges the vitality of our bodies-that make us glow. Botanical nourishment is critical to living a luminous life from the inside out.

Your Guides:

Join the Circle!

What to Expect 

from our online circles and courses…



All of our online courses, workshops and circles are optimized for both mobile and desktop screens allowing you to learn and participate anywhere at your own pace.


We have a big  community of wise souls who co-host and guide our workshops and circles.  We invite you to contact us if you wish to make a contribution to our knowledge database. We are always looking for ways to expand awareness and deliver meaningful content and experiences.


Community is always an integral part of learning – we witness ourselves as teachers and as students becoming fuller and lighter at the same time. Each online workshop allows participants to engage and interact with fellow great minds in a discussion forum and/or a social media circle.


It is our intention to provide material and support that guides you on your quest to wellbeing, awareness and creative expansion.

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